I do hope you like this sign (for clarity's sake, it says, "forbidden fruit creates many jams) at a church I drove past, and thought of your retarded sign posts(luckily I was in the back seat, because I had to get it on the way back. and I remembered at the last second and almost missed it altogether!). Oh, wait. your posts weren't retarded. The signs were. Or i am. Or something like that. Anyway, hope you get a kick out of the sign! -- Although, now I want something with jam on it. The power of suggestion...it gets me every time!!
Oh, and by the way everybody, don't bother calling that church and asking how much they sell their jam for. They apparently don't sell forbidden fruit jam...soo...ahh ya.
I'm not really getting what that sign means. But I'm glad you posted it--cause it throws pictures into the mix.
I used to have drive by a Church that had those ridiculous sayings on their board, it often incensed me. Sheep, nothing but sheep. No offense to the sheep.
Sheep skins have been known to make wonderful slippers, steering wheel covers and back in the day even condoms.
Hey, do you think all of these churches actually think these up on their own, or do you think they have some little book that has a master list of quotes for signs?
I really got a chuckle out of this one. I am already trying to think of a way to market "forbidden fruit jam".
I stumbled into this blog because Cher's pushing it like a cheap pimp from western Oregon pushes his nasty hippie women onto unsuspecting tourists.
But it seems pretty cool, so I'll be back.
I love it cher, but you knew that I would, so yeah.
kay - don't just read it, become a part of it! you know you want to... ;)
All I post about is my lack of hair and laxatives. I'm just not sure Amalgamation is quite ready for such things...
Oh, I think we're ready if you are.
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